December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Section 2.7 - Operations on Functions.  This is the last section we will cover before the exam! Yay!

HOMEWORK:  pg. 196 #4-10 even, #14, 16

UPCOMING:  Exam Tuesday, December 15!!  The exam will consist of 40 multiple choice questions plus one or two short answer questions.  You will get a review sheet in class tomorrow!

December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7

IN CLASS:  Functions Test (2.4 - 2.6)  If you didn't finish the test, plan on finishing in class tomorrow.

December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4

IN CLASS:  Continued working on review packet.

HOMEWORK:  Study for Functions Test!!  Completed AND corrected study guides may be turned in Monday for Extra Credit on the test. 


December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3

IN CLASS:  Today we started the review packet for the test on Monday.  We will continue to work on this in class tomorrow, and I will pass out an answer key at the end of class tomorrow.  You may turn in completed AND corrected review packets on Monday for extra credit on the test.  Please do your checking and correcting with a different colored pen.  I should be able to tell that you have made corrections!!!  (You do not need to erase wrong answers, just correct them!)

HOMEWORK:  Work on review packet.

UPCOMING:  Test Monday on Functions (2.4 - 2.6).

December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2

IN CLASS:  Today we talking about applications of quadratics, mostly flights of projectiles.

HOMEWORK:  pg. 185 #42, 47, 49a, 52

UPCOMING:  Test Monday!!

December 1, 2009

Tuesday, December 1

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Quadratic Functions (Sect 2.6).

HOMEWORK:  pg. 183-184 #6-10 even, #14-26 even, #30, 32

UPCOMING: Test moved to Monday!!!

November 30, 2009

Monday, November 30

IN CLASS:  Today I passed back old quizzes and we went over these.  We also briefly started talking about about Quadratic Functions (Section 2.6).


UPCOMING:  Test Friday!!

November 26, 2009

Thursday, November 26


Monday, November 23

IN CLASS:  Today, we went over the answers to the packet and completed the even problems for a quiz grade.

HOMEWORK:  None!  Happy Thanksgiving week!!

Friday, November 20

IN CLASS:  Today we started a packet on graphing equations.

HOMEWORK:  Finish odd problems from the packet.

November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19

IN CLASS:  Today we finished the notes on Graphing Functions.

HOMEWORK:  None!  Happy Thursday!!

November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 18

IN CLASS:  Today we took a quiz on functions and you had classwork on even and odd functions.

HOMEWORK:  Finish what you didn't finish in class today - pg. 169 #3-12 all.
HINT: For all problems, find f(-x). Once you simplify it, ask it the same as...
     (1) f(x) --> then it's even!!
OR (2) -f(x) --> then it's odd!!
OR (3) Neither --> then it's neither!!


Tuesday, November 17

IN CLASS:  Today we reviewed Functions.  I also gave you a handout for Section 2.5 - Graphs of Functions and we talked about even and odd functions.  KEEP THIS HANDOUT!!!  It will be very useful to you in the future.

HOMEWORK:  Study for the quiz!

UPCOMING:  Quiz tomorrow on Section 2.4 - Functions

November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16

IN CLASS: Today we finished notes on Functions (Sect 2.4)

HOMEWORK: pg. 150-151 #15-20 all, #34, #38-42 even

UPCOMING: Functions quiz on Wednesday.


November 12, 2009

Thursday, November 12

IN CLASS:  Today we started notes on Functions (Section 2.4) and took a Pop Quiz on Linear Regression and Linear Models.

HOMEWORK:  Due Monday - pg. 150 - 151 #6-14 even (you may omit part f) and #22-32 even.

UPCOMING:  Quiz next week

November 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 11

IN CLASS:  Today we played catch up with a lot of past work...we went over the Linear Regression worksheet from last Thursday and the Linear Models worksheet from Friday.

HOMEWORK:  Review your notes for Linear Regression and Linear Models. (HINT HINT!!!!)

UPCOMING:  Expect a POP QUIZ in the VERY near future!!!

November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9

IN CLASS:  Today we made cards for Caleb!!

HOMEWORK:  Linear Models worksheet from Friday is due on Wednesday!

UPCOMING:  Quiz Next Monday!

Friday, November 6

IN CLASS:  Today we talked about using linear models to describe real life situations.  You got a handout on Linear Models and worked on it in groups.

HOMEWORK:  Linear Models Worksheet due on Wed, Nov 11

UPCOMING:  Quiz Monday, November 16

November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4

IN CLASS:  Today we learned how to perform a linear regression using your calculator.

HOMEWORK:  Finish the Linear Regression Practice from class.

Tuesday, November 4

IN CLASS:  Test on Sections 1.6 - 2.3


November 2, 2009

Monday, November 2

IN CLASS:  We reviewd for tomorrows test.

HOMEWORK:  STUDY!!!  Test tomorrow on sections 1.6 - 2.3!!  Be sure to look over old quizzes and the review sheet you got in class today.

October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29

IN CLASS:  We finished the notes on circles and semi-circles.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the back of the circle worksheet from yesterday.

UPCOMING:  Test next Tuesday!!

October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28

IN CLASS:  Today we continued taking notes on circles and learned how to write the standard form of an equation for a circle given different information.  We also took a quiz on Section 2.3.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the front of the Circles worksheet, given out in class today.  Also, do last night's homework if you haven't already!!  We will go over both tomorrow!

UPCOMING:  Test Monday 11/2 on Sections 1.6 - 2.3.

October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Section 2.2 - Graphs of Equations.  We talked about finding the intercepts of a graph and determining a graph's symmetry.

HOMEWORK:  STUDY!!  Quiz tomorrow on Section 2.3 - Lines.
pg. 116 #2-10 even.  DISREGARD the book's instructions.  For each equation, please find all interecpts and test for all symmetries. 

UPCOMING:  Quiz tomorrow on Section 2.3.
Test Monday 11/2 on Sections 1.6 - 2.3.

October 26, 2009

Monday, October 26

IN CLASS:  Today we briefly reviewed solving inequalities using a sign diagram, and spent the rest of class reviewing the worksheet on Sect 2.3 - Lines.

HOMEWORK:  Happy Monday! No homework!

UPCOMING:  Quiz Wednesday on Lines
Test Monday, Nov 11 on Sections 1.6 - 2.3

October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23

IN CLASS:  Today we took a quiz on Section 2.1.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the worksheet on Lines that you started after the quiz today.

October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 22

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Section 2.3 - Lines.  We are skipping Section 2.2 for now, but will come back to it later.

HOMEWORK:  Study for the Quiz!!  Bring your book to class tomorrow.

UPCOMING:  Quiz tomorrow on Section 2.1.  You should be able to:

- Find distances and midpoints.
- Prove a triangle is a right triangle and find the area.
- Prove a point is on a perpendicular bisector.
- Write equations and find points (like the word problems from the homework). 

October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 21

IN CLASS:  Today we continued with Section 2.1 and practing using the distance formula to write equations for sets of points.

HOMEWORK:  pg. 102 #24, 25, 28, 30

UPCOMING:  Quiz Friday on Section 2.1

October 20, 2009

Tuesday, October 20

IN CLASS:  Today we finished the Inequalities quiz from last week and started notes on section 2.1, the rectangular coordinate system.

HOMEWORK:  pg. 101-102 #6, 10-14 even, 15, 16, 21, 22

UPCOMING:  Quiz in the near future!

October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13

IN CLASS:  Today we finshed the notes on Solving Inequalities.

HOMEWORK:  pg. 86 #20-24 all, #28-44 even (due Thursday)

UPCOMING:  Quiz Thursday, 10/15 on Inequalities
Extra Credit Test due Friday, 10/16

October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Section 1.6 - Inequalities.  If you were absent, please see me for a copy of the handout. 

HOMEWORK:  pg. 85-86 #1-15 all

UPCOMING:  QUIZ Thursday on Section 1.6
Extra Credit Test is NOW DUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16

October 9, 2009

Friday, October 9

IN CLASS:  1.4 - 1.5 Test

HOMEWORK:  Start on Take Home Test (extra credit)

UPCOMING:  Extra Credit Test due on Thursday 10/15.  If you didn't stop by today and pick up a copy, you can get it by clicking HERE, or I can give you a copy on Monday. 

October 8, 2009

Thursday, October 8

IN CLASS:  Today we worked on the review sheet.

HOMEWORK:  Please use the answer key I passed out in class to correct your review sheet.  As long as you show your corrected answers, you will recieve full credit for this assignment.  Please do not erase wrong answers, just show me that you put the effort into correcting them!! 

UPCOMINGTEST TOMORROW!!  We will talk more about the extra credit assigment tomorrow.

October 7, 2009

Wednesday, October 7

IN CLASS:  Today we reviewed the Complex Numbers Worksheet and took a quiz on Complex Numbers.

HOMEWORK:  Start working on the review sheet.  It will be due at the end of class tomorrow.  You may omit #14.
**Click HERE for a copy of the review sheet.**

UPCOMING:  Test Friday on Sections 1.4 and 1.5

October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 6

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on solving equations using complex numbers and did more complex number practice problems.

HOMEWORK:  Complete EVEN problems on Complex Numbers worksheet.  STUDY for quiz tomorrow!!
**Click HERE for a copy of today's worksheet**
**Click HERE for the answers to the ODD problems on the worksheet**

UPCOMING:  QUIZ tomorrow on Complex Numbers.
                   TEST Friday 10/9 on Sections 1.4 and 1.5

October 5, 2009

Monday, October 5

IN CLASS:  Today we took notes on Complex Numbers (Section 1.5 in the text)

HOMEWORK:  pg. 74 #2-30 even

UPCOMING:  Complex Numbers Quiz on Wed, 10/7
                   1.4 - 1.5 Test on Friday, 10/9